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A Wanted Man
A Wanted Man
tv 1989

A Wanted Man is a groundbreaking three‐part British miniseries first shown on BBC2 in September 1989. Directed by Nicholas Renton and written by Malcolm McKay, it evolved from his earlier one‐off play “The Interrogation of John” into a daring trilogy. The series follows the capture, trial, and psychological unravelling of a serial killer, offering an in‐depth exploration of criminal behavior and the ethical dilemmas faced by the justice system. With deliberate pacing, stark realism, and an unflinching look at human darkness, it challenges conventional crime dramas and compels viewers to confront unsettling questions about responsibility, morality, and the nature of evil. Critically acclaimed and award‐winning, A Wanted Man remains essential viewing for anyone seeking a thought‐provoking, intense, and unforgettable drama experience that not only entertains but also forces a deep reflection on the fragility of human nature and the complexities of justice.

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